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IT Auditing: What Does an S2 Score Indicate?

July 25, 2022
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IT Auditing: What Does an S2 Score Indicate?
IT auditing allows you to see and identify what is wrong with your network security in order to improve it. Learn how to get an S2 score here.

Did you know that there are over 600,000 new businesses across the United States each year? However, many of these companies fail within the first few years.

As you might guess, part of running a successful business involves investing in the right strategies.

IT auditing is something that all entrepreneurs need to know about, but not everyone knows where to start. This is especially true when it comes to understanding the S2 score.

We've created a brief guide that outlines the key factors to consider about the importance of a network security audit. Let's dive into all you need to know.

So, What Is an S2 Score?

An S2 score is a value that indicates the security of your network. The higher the score, the more secure your network is. As you might guess, it's in your best interest to have a high S2 score so that you can protect sensitive information at your company.

How Can You Calculate an S2 Score?

There are a few factors that go into calculating an S2 score. One of them is the number of devices on your network. The more devices you have, the more potential there is for something to go wrong.

Another attribute is the number of users on your network. The more users you have, the more chances there are for someone to do something they shouldn't be doing.

This score also considers the type of traffic on your network. If you have a lot of traffic going to and from different parts of the world, it's more likely that someone will be able to intercept it.

Your network architecture is also taken into account. If you have many different subnets, it's more difficult for someone to get access to all of them.

Finally, the score looks at the level of encryption you're using. The higher the level of encryption, the more secure your network is and the higher your S2 score will be.

What Are the Benefits of Using an S2 Score?

It can help you identify where your network's security needs improvement. If you have a low S2 score, it's a good indication that there are some areas of your network that need to be strengthened.

Another benefit is that it can help you benchmark your security against other networks. If you know what a good S2 score is, you can compare yours to see where you need to improve.

An S2 score can also help you make decisions about which security products to use. If you know that a certain product will improve your S2 score, it's likely worth the investment.

How Do I Find an Auditor That's Right For Me?

Finding the right auditor isn't as difficult as most people anticipate.

Make sure they're experienced in auditing networks like yours. After all, it's essential to check to see if they're familiar with the S2 score and how it's calculated.

Be sure to ask for references from other businesses that have used their services. This will help provide insight into what it's like to work with them. Once you've found an auditor you're comfortable with, schedule a meeting to discuss your network security goals.

A reputable auditor will be easy to communicate with and will go out of their way to accommodate your needs.

How Often Should I Audit My Network?

Most experts recommend auditing your network at least once a year.

However, if you're making changes to your network or adding new devices, you may want to consider auditing more often. Doing so can help you identify any potential security risks early on and take steps to mitigate them.

If you're not sure how often you should audit your network, talk to your auditor. They'll be able to help you come up with a plan that's right for your business.

Is a Low S2 Score an Emergency?

Put simply, it should be treated as such. The sooner you improve your score, though, the less likely you are to experience a security breach.

Unfortunately, the cybercrime industry as a whole is projected to exceed $10 trillion by the end of 2029. So, it's in your best interest to improve a low score as quickly as possible.

What Are the Consequences of a Data Breach?

If your business experiences a data breach, the consequences can be serious.

You could lose customer trust, damage your reputation, and incur expensive fines. In some cases, data breaches have even forced businesses to shut down entirely. A scenario like this could be almost impossible to recover from.

What Can You Do to Improve Your S2 Score?

There are a few things you can do to improve your S2 score.

One of them is to segment your network. This means that you divide your network into different parts so that if one part is compromised, the rest of the network is still safe. Another step you can take is to encrypt your data. This way, even if someone does intercept your data, they won't be able to read it.

Lastly, always keep your software updated to the most current version. This will help identify and correct weak points in your network.

IT Auditing Doesn't Have to Be Complicated

It might seem difficult to handle IT auditing, but it's easier than you might expect it to be. Ensure that you keep the above guidelines in mind so you can avoid problems that you may have encountered.

Feel free to reach out to us to learn more about how we can help you get started on the right track.

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