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Small Business Optimism Is Growing—Here’s How Your Business Can Contribute

January 28, 2022
min read
Small Business Optimism Is Growing—Here’s How Your Business Can Contribute
The Small Business Growth Index notes that 33% of business owners believe company culture has a major impact on their business's success. To that end, two-thirds of business owners surveyed (69%) are making company culture a massive draw for talent. As part of their hiring and retention strategy, 31% of business owners say they are marketing ...

The future of small business, even with concerns about a recession, remains bright for entrepreneurs.

In Capital One’s latest Small Business Growth Index (Fall 2019), 64% of business owners surveyed say that their current business conditions are good or excellent. Additionally, compared to six months ago, small business optimism increased five percentage points, and recession concerns decreased six percentage points.

Feeling slightly less concerned about a recession, however, doesn’t mean business owners exist in a recession-free bubble. If the economy entered a recession in the next six months, 85% of small business owners say it would impact their business. The impact, for 65% of business owners surveyed say they "would be more conservative with inventory and supply management." Regarding cash flow, while 61% say a recession "would negatively impact cash flow," 74% of business owners "feel prepared for a recession from a cash flow perspective."

WRITTEN BY: Forbes Magazine

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